Tips 8 : Instill some basic values

We have understood about ethic values and basic principles that bring us to a meaningful life. Someone won’t live successfully if he or she doesn’t understand about some basic principles that can be some important basics in life. Battle is not only about physic battle in the battleship but a battle to oppose our negative desire, a battle whose battleship is bigger than physic battle. Because in the battleship there is only one part that we have to defeat it but in self battles, it relates to many things those are point of view, feelings, negative desire, lust and many more. 

We can enjoy our successful life if our success comes from soul serenity and human fairness. The true success can be enjoyed if its source comes from values, such as: good, fair and honest behavior, give thanks to God, share kindness to others, remain humble, keep the promises, friendly, easy going, have no hatred and avenge and many more.

First, be a man of good personality. It only can be valued when someone has a relationship with others. There are many people who show their kindness if he or they have no relationship with others but when they have a relationship with others so that their true self will be shown.

Second, fair. A fair man placed something in its place, give others rights in balance.

Third, honest. Honesty is the main pillar in faith, perfectness, majesty, it is the brother of fairness and some kindness principle of everything.

Fourth, always give thanks to God. The most blessed man is someone who always gives thanks to God in every condition. 

Fifth, share kindness to others. A person who is success but he or she is not willing to give others will be disliked by his or her surroundings. This kind of person is similar with a basil tree that looked very beautiful but when we get closer to it, we will smell its bad smell. 

Sixth, remain humble. A proud person likes to show off himself or herself. A proud person is someone who feels that he or she has everything. He or she feels that he or she is higher than others. They forget that everything is only grace from God. Remember, don’t forget that everything that belongs to us is actually not belong to us.

Seventh, don’t wear a mask. Be yourself! if you pretend to be someone else, you pretend to be okay or you pretend to be good to everyone, you won’t feel the true values from success and happiness. It will only make you feel afraid and find no peace in your life.

Eighth, purity. A man who has purity in his or her heart will find no heart aches such as hatred, avenge and hostility. It is seen through his or her behavior that remains humble and tries to hide his or her kindness that he or she has done. 

Ninth, treat well others who badly treats us.  It is a good thing that we should do. We have to treat others well even though he or she treats us badly, we have to give other smile when he or she gives us tears.[]